Some stuff from FabLab that @systems doesn’t want.
Any takers? @jonathanjo ?
I would be interested (new joiner, see introductions).
Great, you can have a proper look at them if you call by today.
If some of these are still going, I would also be interested, can these be split up and shared?
if there’s any left overs you could put them on table of doom and I’ll eBay them for the kitty.
I’ll put some better pics up and we can share them out.
Any chance of snaffling the 4000 and 2000, Ian, do you have any preferences?
Added one more pic
I don’t ‘need’ them, I was just going to take them home to play with them.
If others want to take them, I’m not bothered - enjoy!
For all interested, the sooner they are out of the space the better, they are cluttering up the space, the first person to remove them from the space gets them.
Not meaning to annoy anyone but those Bluecoat proxies can be worth good money. Need to check eBay prices before giving away/dumping
It’ might be able to be sold, for a couple hundred for the stack, but it’s best as parts as the product is end of life.
If you want rid I can pop in tomorrow, tho of you want to eBay them I will leave alone.
@directors could you make a decision if we are eBaying these or giving them away to clear the space?
IMO, Members get first dibs, then ebay the rest. If they can be removed from the space during the sale, all the better!
In mine we should sell things over giving them away, but there you go.
I think if they have value they should be sold to help pay for the space, if they don’t, offered to members, then chucked.
I think @boldaslove might have put some of this on eBay?
Not sure what item is being referred to here. Pls indulge so I can confirm.