Need help planing!

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Got some pieces of London Plane for a shelving unit I’m making for our living room. They are rough sawn, so need planing and thicknessing. I’ve not yet done the planer induction. Is there anyone around that could help me plane them smooth an evening this week or next?

Thanks guys! :grin:

I should be in this evening.

If the last piece of London plane that’s come through here is anything to judge by, you’re probably going to want to attack it with a hand plane first to get the a usable piece out of it


Ah, on call at the hospital until 8pm today. The only eve I can’t make it. :cry: Are you around any other day?

The pieces are in reasonable condition. Got it from Fallen and Felled in Hackney. Kiln dried and free of nails and such. Slight bowing in them, but I hope it should be ok for the planer. Otherwise I’m OK with a hand plane, but hoping to avoid the winding sticks!

Thanks! :grin: