Mortiser - 8mm bit

Hi, do you think the order could be ordered this week? Be great to test out the new morticiser bit.

Hey, it was delivered this morning.

I think we still need to make a collect for this bit though. I don’t know if we have an imperial size that’ll work with this one.

If we ask the @metaltechs nicely, maybe there’ll help to turn us one from stainless steel.

Can the collet be made from aluminium? I’ve been inducted , with a little help from @metaltechs could we make one?

Is it just a hollow cylinder? Sure, seems to be a great newbie exercise for turning something to dimension.

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From what I can tell, yep, a hollowed out cylinder, is there any stock in the metal area we could use to make?

If we have the stock shall we find a date to do it? I’m happy to do it but feel more confident if there’s a @metaltechs on site to check in on.

we would find some stock, when would you prefer to do it?

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I see some people talking about measurements and conversions. Just for sake of reference, I made myself a list a long time ago with metric/imperial/fractions/hex/spanner/AWG conversions up to 1 inch. It is all correct to the best of my knowledge. Hope some will find it useful for finding the correct fractions you need.

Measurements.pdf (39.2 KB)


Sunday 15th Oct? Flexible on time.

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Spacer is in the leather box