Morse Coded LED

Hi there,

I am completely new to anything like this and would love to get involved and some help too.
Basically I want a LED that flashes a pre-determined sequence of flashes to give a morse code.

How easy is this to do? Where do I start?

Many thanks,

Well, you couldn’t have asked for a better starter project. If you go by the tutorials, the first thing you’ll ever do with an Arduino is blink a LED.

This is a site for a local Makerspace, though, so join up and come down on a Thursday night where typically there’s people doing things with electronics. (Tho’ not this Thursday going by a post I just read).

Here’s an interesting view of morse code and how it’s constructed. As @tobyspark said, you can start with Blink and work up from there !

Sounds like a good first project.
Come down on Thursday and I will be happy to help you with the code .

I need to learn how to use the arduino so two birds with one stone. :slight_smile:

P’S I can code just not in C or arduino.

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