Metal people I need your help please

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Calling all metal heads, I need a favour pleaseeeee.

I have some 6mm steel rods that need a slot milling in them, do we have the facilities in house to do so? And if so would anyone be able to help me out! I am a complete novice when it comes to metal working.

The dims of the rod is: 6mm diameter x 62mm long

And the slot needs to be: 2.5mm x 26mm in the centre of the rod

Its for a prototype backpack sternum strap system im working on.

Only need it doing on 2 rods, I will repay you with a pint/sewing advice


We may be able to do this. The answers to questions like; How hard is that material? What are the slot dimensions? are important.

When are you next in? I’m hoping to be there from 3:30 onwards today…


Hey Dave,

Im not actually sure how hard the material is. But its A1 steel.

slot dims are: 2.5mm/3mm x 26mm in the centre of the rod

I wont be able to make it in today sadly! However I will be in tomorrow morning - I could leave the rods somewhere safe

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Ok. A1 steel is stainless, hard and moderately difficult to machine. However there’s a chance we can do this. If you leave the rods there tomorrow I will have a look at them when next in and see what can be done. Fingers crossed we have what’s needed to machine these.

Finally what sort of precision are you looking for / what are they being used for?

Sorry for missing the dimensions in your original post. To confirm, we are looking at a slot 2.5mm wide and 3mm deep?

Fantastic, thanks for this.

Precision isnt super important as its just for testing a proof of concept at this stage - Part of a strap system for a backpack. If successful I will be ordering bespoke machined parts from Accu.

Slot needs to go all the way through the bar- to create a hole in it to allow a strap to be fed through. and the 2.5mm is the required width of the slot, please!

I will let you know where I have left the bars tomorrow.

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Bored at work so here’s a drawing, NB the 23.5 is the centre to centre of the two end radii, ie how far you’d have to move an end mill to make the slot.


This is awesome, thanks Ed. How satisfying

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