Making wooden chopping boards

I would like to slice an 11inch seasoned oak log to make 1inch chopping boards. Was hoping if anyone would help with this project?


Is it an 11in diameter log, or 11 inch length? We’ve got a resaw jig for the bandsaw which I’ve used to mill up some small logs, happy to run through how I did so with you if I catch you at the space!

Hi Iris, what specifically are you seeking help on? More details on what you’re trying to accomplish and your barriers to doing so will help other members help you.

I’d also encourage stopping by the space, there’s almost always someone in you can bounce questions off of.

Hi peter, the log is 11inch in diameter. My dad and I popped into the space not too long ago and were not sure whether the bandsaw guard would raise high enough. We could come in with the log to see if anything would work when you’re around? If so, let me know the next couple of times you will be in. Thanks

I’m pretty sure the guard will raise that high and then some, I may be able to pop in on Thursday after work but not 100% sure so next week may work better. We’ve got a milling jig I’d be happy to show you how to use, and then after a once through on the planer/thicknesser you’re most of the way there :slight_smile:

Hi iris,
I noticed you are not a member yet, so have not done the basic induction yet. Unless of course your father is a member and you are coming as a guest?

How long has the log been seasoned for? Oak takes at least a year per 1 inch thickness and could take even longer if it is in a log. Outside and covered I would estimate 7-8 years for the centre to dry out.

Re sawing it on the band saw would speed up the process. If you cut it down to 1” or 2” planks I would still leave it a year or two till it has dried fully, obviously this will be a shorter wait depending on how long the log has been seasoned for

I’ve just joining the space and completed this oak chopping board on Saturday evening actually. Rather than starting with a log, this was purchased as a seasoned oak plank that had been roughly planed by machine. I then shaped with hand tools, planed by hand and sanded. Enough work just in that tbh. EBay is a good source of sellers listing boards ready for projects, worth checking out maybe?