Making the space Wednesday 27th April - Space Balls

More painting going on today.
And then sorting.

Come down if you can.

Getting there

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A bit more…

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Pretty much two coats done.


This happened as well:

Not plumbed in yet, as we need some bits. Specifically, bst3/4 nuts and the hose thing which is indeed bst1/2 also probably some stuff for the drain.

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Good work but it’s in the wrong place. It’s bloody cling the backlight going on the back.

Pleeeeenty of room for a backlight, cling bloody or other.

We need a bloody cling bigger for screen printing?

No I mean the ap was meant to go on the other side so it wouldn’t block the backlight.

The 'ap to the left side, rather than behind?

I meant that the sink is not that wide when it comes to screens

Tap to the side makes snes to me

I can probably reverse the polarity of the cling flow at the weekend so the 'ap is more suitably placed for the bloodyness.

Think this would mean a fairly dramatic re-design of the stand though…

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I did talk to Joe about this, but we need to actually design the sink for what it is meant for.

We might need a totally different sink for washing down screens…

So maybe this is fine for what it is.

The screen washing sink needs to be wide enough for A1 screen (one frame I googled was 78cm wide), and with a backlight behind it, and a shower head on a hose.

It may have been more useful for this conversation to be more in the open. On occasion, someone that isn’t Joe might turn up and do some work.

Re: @Dermot’s point. It’s fair. This sink isnt big enough to deal with screens most likely. The other sink is too big to fit in this gap, so either the entire contraption turns 90 degrees counter-clockwise where there can’t be a backlight, or some other sink needs to be found that will.

Yeah you’re right.

How big is the other sink and do we have plans for it yet?

It’s too big to fit in the place where we can fit the backlit panel…

So no plans for it. Unless…it gets set up in snug…which was an idea that was floated.

How high does the backlit panel have to be?

Not sure…but it raises the issue that the sink doesn’t need to necessarily be at ‘sink’ height for this. Although looking on YouTube they usually are…We’re governed by the height of the waste…unless we get pumps involved…