Woodworking advice please! I’m making a coffee table with a waterfall end, using a large slab of wood. I’m going to be cutting the wide end off and reattaching at 90 degrees. It’s 530mm at the widest point and 1800mm long.
The central void is filled with clear, hardened, epoxy that sits couple of mm proud of the wood.
The epoxy is 130mm at the widest and 1300mm long.
I don’t trust myself to keep my carbide scraper level and it would take forever with my sander (which would also be hard to keep flat). If I had access to a wide belt sander, or a thicknesser that could take something 530mm wide, I think it would only need a few passes to flatten it all. But I’m not sure if the SLMS sander/thicknesser are that wide?
The wood is only 25mm thick, so ideally I don’t want to get a flattening jig as while I have used one successfully before, it took more than I had intended and I’ve no thickness to spare this time.
Any advice? Are the SLMS tools in fact big enough for this? Or any other ideas on how I do it? Thanks!!!