Makerspace hits 340 members!

Wow! Feels momentous…

The 340 cap is now officially in place folks!

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339 members too many if you ask me!

338 if you ask me.

Shall we throw a 340 people party?

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2 if you ask me😛

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Congratulations, I think that is fantastic.
I cannot pretend that I am not disappointed though. Please keep me in mind if anybody leaves.

Where is the slap button :wave:t2:


Here be dragons

where is the flag button?:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Are we still having open evenings?


Is there a waitlist for those of us that were too slow?

No there isn’t.

Hi we’re not going to have a waitlist, sorry. But with the natural turnover of members, our numbers will get low enough at some point to reopen membership again. This is a new situation for us so it’s hard to be any more definite about what will happen when.

@directors can we say something definite about how it will be announced when / if membership reopens?

A queue / wait of any type is more distressing if there isn’t a clear system. A waiting list is not something we want to manage, but could we hold a membership reopening notification list?

After the last meeting we said we’d review it once a quarter.

That’s very very likely what we’ll do

Why don’t we just suggest people join the existing newsletter list on the website homepage, and then when we re-open membership we can tell people that way? Or suggest they follow us on Twitter? Rather than create a special list, I think we should invite people to engage with one of our existing communication methods.


Having a new mailing list enables us to direct information to those that need/want it

Plus it offers us a chance to gauge potential demand. For example: 400 on a list would make a strong case as part of a proposal for taking on a second space. We can’t tell if the recent growth spurt is a sign of a trend or London Hackspace in suspended animation, or a mixture of the two. My guess is that Making is getting more popular, but a mailing list would be a better indicator

We could also direct news of any new spaces or special interest groups via the mailing list

The ‘we’re full’ page does suggest engaging with us through all the usual channels:
