We did two batches of mortar and I left Conor & Stefano using the last of it to do pointing.
We found that the best way to throw these blocks up quickly is to make a bunch of 10mm spacers and treat it like tiling. Use the spacers at each corner, throw some wet-ish mortar in the middle and wiggle the block into place (no hammering). Come back later when it’s gone off a bit, pry the spacers out, then do the pointing.
All the timber wall footings are complete, and the L-Wall has 4 courses complete. Or is it 5? It’s hard to keep count. I didn’t take any pictures >_<
Tasks for next shift: Vertical alignment pole for the corner of the L (inside corner). Alignment frame for the doorway.
The width is the width (of course)
The height should be minimum 2100 from the top of OSB floor. No need to get it exact, because the actual height will be determined by the coursing of the blocks. Key thing is verticality in both directions.