Make The Space - Sunday 4th October 11AM

Hello everyone.

Last week was a great weekend to make the space we had a really good crew down and started to get through some of the jobs that need to get done to finally finish out the gate room area. Let’s build on this momentum and try and get loads more stuff done on sunday!

So we can get a good idea of numbers this weekend - could you please sign up below? We’d really like a good turn out this week, so whether you’re old, new, or just want to check us out, please come down, pick up a tool and help us make-the-space.

Jobs that need doing this week:

  • Cladding
  • Finish oiling of the ply cladding
  • Plumbing
    • Finish off Phase 2 Sink
    • Plumbing for Hot Water
  • Washrooming
  • Replace floor void (recut from the right material)
  • finish adhesive floor tiles
  • Splashback tiling around sink(s).
  • Hang mirror
  • Kitchen
  • Get going on a former for the kitchen worktop
  • fix the splash back Ply in place
  • Sitting Area
  • Make a start on making some side / coffee tables.
  • North wall of the washroom
    • fitting handles and grab bars.
  • Finish up north wall of the washroom.

If you can make it, please let us know what time you can give below, else we would like people to be at the space by 11AM in order for us to do a proper safety briefing and allocate jobs.

See you then!

Apologies, I cannot make it tomorrow.

I will be there.

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Peter, I am a bit worried about the visibility of this thread. Last week you did an email roll call, which is how I found out about it, and which seemed fairly successful. However, I only thought to look for this thread because I was wondering what was happening about the next Make The Space event that we talked about last Sunday. The “Events” subforum has three sticky threads, so any new threads do not get a look in on the main Discourse page, which shows only three threads per subforum. I am wondering if there are really so few people able to attend, or if they are just not aware of this.

I have my bookmark for Discourse set to Latest so I don’t miss anything. We have the default set to Categories because this is better for newbies. I wish it was a user setting (which may soon be the case if discussions on the dev forum are to be believed)

Yeah, this is a bit of an issue. I wanted to avoid abusing the (at)members handle to prevent spamming everyone, but maybe that would be a good idea?

I’ll be there

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Yes, I think an (at)members is a good idea

Hi everyone!

If you have a moment and fancy coming down to make the space tomorrow, please do. We’re beginning to make some good movement on getting some of the jobs that really need doing done. And would be great to have as many hands down as possible.

Tomorrow from 11AM, hope to see you there!

shameless hiding of (at)members@dalph0, @gordonendersby, @matt, @aabdulshakur, @peter_hellyer, @laurent_muchacho, @conomara, @MARKSE, @richard_aw, @peter, @RichM, @Stuart, @andreas_varotsis, @tobyspark, @ben, @adamjpage, @unknowndomain, @Dermot, @jan_evetts, @emile_swain, @tomnewsom, @russ, @ianzwilson, @barrylillis, @marksteward, @andrewdblack, @eklecticmonkey, @michael, @stef, @squaredoffagain, @AussieFred, @stefanoromano, @biffbangbosh, @KarlS, @jwhelpton, @sarahbarber, @hanno_halonen, @GordonC, @Matthew_Stannard, @Willybood, @richard, @SarahJ, @rabiuy, @davidceriwilliams, @Rory_Yeung, @Matthew_Ian_Clarke, @mandola, @Felix_Ingram, @Tim, @david, @l_shearer, @Slack, @wilfe_gorlin, @Glenn, @Rob_Morandi, @Rs1771, @helenemartin13, @Alireza_Datoo, @Watcher, @GoldieRatio, @afshind, @Gui, @beccaleece, @andrew_d, @judithdeberker, @beck, @Ana_Nieto, @Rachel, @timahrensbach, @Rob_Darbyshire, @omsoc42, @AliceMayDesigns, @ampem, @leo_mchugh_uk, @Marco_Pagliari, @pip, @RoB, @GutlessWonder, @alleghe87, @Tarek.Abidia, @yulia_silina_linkedi, @gerard_50, @ronantuite

I will come in the afternoon

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