Make the Space - Sunday 1st November

Hello everyone.

Make the space! Make the space! everyone wants to make the space! Let’s MAKE THE SPACE!

We’re really close to a fully signed off phase one, but there’s still lots of fun to be had, prizes to be won* etc.

So we can get a good idea of numbers this weekend - could you please sign up below? We’d really like a good turn out this week, so whether you’re old, new, or just want to check us out, please come down, pick up a tool and help us make-the-space.

There are a whole bunch of other jobs that need to get done:

  • Washrooming
  • finish adhesive floor tiles
  • Splashback tiling around sink(s).
  • Hang mirror
  • Kitchen
  • Get going on a former for the kitchen worktop
  • Get going on the bookshelf / general storage / utilities closet.
  • Sitting Area
  • Make a start on making some side / coffee tables.
  • Painting
  • we can ALWAYS find something that needs a lick of paint / oil.
  • Phase 2 works.
  • Get the space for the short side of the wall clear
  • Pour a level footing for the wall

If you can make it, please let us know what time you can give below, else we would like people to be at the space by 11AM in order for us to do a proper safety briefing and allocate jobs.

See you then!

@members@dalph0, @gordonendersby, @matt, @aabdulshakur, @peter_hellyer, @laurent_muchacho, @conomara, @MARKSE, @richard_aw, @peter, @RichM, @Stuart, @andreas_varotsis, @tobyspark, @ben, @adamjpage, @unknowndomain, @Dermot, @jan_evetts, @emile_swain, @tomnewsom, @russ, @ianzwilson, @barrylillis, @marksteward, @andrewdblack, @eklecticmonkey, @michael, @stef, @squaredoffagain, @AussieFred, @stefanoromano, @biffbangbosh, @KarlS, @jwhelpton, @sarahbarber, @hanno_halonen, @GordonC, @Matthew_Stannard, @Willybood, @richard, @SarahJ, @rabiuy, @davidceriwilliams, @Rory_Yeung, @Matthew_Ian_Clarke, @mandola, @Felix_Ingram, @Tim, @david, @l_shearer, @Slack, @wilfe_gorlin, @Glenn, @Rob_Morandi, @Rs1771, @helenemartin13, @Alireza_Datoo, @Watcher, @GoldieRatio, @afshind, @Gui, @beccaleece, @andrew_d, @judithdeberker, @beck, @Ana_Nieto, @Rachel, @timahrensbach, @Rob_Darbyshire, @omsoc42, @AliceMayDesigns, @ampem, @leo_mchugh_uk, @Marco_Pagliari, @pip, @RoB, @GutlessWonder, @alleghe87, @Tarek.Abidia, @yulia_silina_linkedi, @gerard_50, @ronantuite, @ryan_keegan, @joeatkin2, @tyson, @Bex, @payam_be, @Michael_Cannone, @pmcnv, @alex, @tom_tibbits

*n.b. This is a lie.

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Will be there.


It would be safe to do this all along the back of the phase 1 floor. Make it 215mm wide, and the top surface should be (whole no. of block courses + 50mm) below the highest point of the arch. Include gaps which line up with (say) every other gap in the footing for the phase 1 floor, so that air can circulate between the floor voids.

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Also, to think about:

Unfortunately the remedial work done to the rainwater drain on the south wall whilst removing the doormat, hasn’t been sufficient to control the flow of essential fluids into the space, whilst this will eventually be covered by lining, we could do with thinking about that some more…

Yes. The more water we can catch before it hits the soakaways, the better. (same goes for the huge pipe on the north wall)

It’s in hand/planned


Really sorry guys, I’m screamingly unwell this morning, will try to make it in a bit later, but possibly not.

Take care Pete, and get well soon!

Is there another one of these tomorrow?

I can’t make it today: got a central heating system to fix.