Make Noise - Tuesdays from 7:30

There seems to be quite a lot of chatter around the space regarding music, instruments and other audio related topics. We have µMeet thursdays which is good for electronic music but doesn’t cover all the tin whistle enthusiasts! So I propose another… A session for all things music, electric or otherwise.**

**Catchy name to be decided.

The question around this really is who would like to come and when?

Vote for your favourite day here.

me me me! I would like to come.

Glenn do you want to make it officially Tuesdays then?

I can give you Twitter/Facebook access if you want to be a group coordinator?

MakinNoise Tuesdays it is! I’m happy to head it up yeah.
Group coordinator sounds like a rather fancy title. I accept.

Awesome, can I propose a slight alteration of name: Make Noise!

I’ll add you on FB to give you access to post there, and I’ll DM you the Twitter login.

I don’t really use my facebook account. I left it there die a couple years back. But Twitter is fine.

I’m in!

I’ll be there.
I’ve been thinking about a robotic larynx. I will be experimenting with bicycle inner tubes and drainpipes.

EDIT: Maybe I can rig it up to the ventilation fan so a lonely robot voice can sing to the space during the day when nobody’s there.

I’ll be along.

Thinking of maybe making a silent acoustic guitar for late night practice… It would sidestep all the impenetrable/unknowable acoustics…I wonder if it could foldaway too…

It might tune from the other end too…which would be interesting for live performance…

Please use the appropriate PPE when handling metaphysical instruments


If I can tear away from work at a reasonable hour, I’ll be along too!

As i spawned this Tuesday night session I will be there. However I forgot that my flute lesson runs till 7:30 so I will be there asap. I only live a 10 minute drive away.

See you all there.


Who is coming tonight?

After I’m done unloading the van, I’m going to see how an inflated inner tube works as “lips” to make sound like a brass instrument. It should be just as annoying as the clown horn “voicebox” last week :smiley:

Are you going to put both together to create a harmonising trumpet playing singer tube thing eventually?

If you get it working it might be able to play my midi flute, if i ever finish it.

Honestly, the thought of ever making a tuned note, let alone “music” seems like a far-off dream. Just for giggles really :smile:

I’m coming along tonight. Might spend some time researching parts for a theremin. Failing that, plumb a sink.