Magnifying lenses advice


Looking for some advice on a clock idea.

I want to make a little jig that magnifies a Casio F91W watchface so you can see it from a distance and use it as a wall mounted clock. Ideally should have a pretty small focal distance from watchface -> lens so the finished item is as thin as possible.

In my head it’s basically just a magnifying glass, but the subtlety is with most I believe you need your eye to be at a specific distance from the lens, but I want to be able to see this from across the room.

Will this mean extra mirrors are needed, or surely there’s a lens made for purpose? Basically, I don’t even know what the right words to google are! Ideally would just buy the glass, but can deconstruct/modify an off-the-shelf product if that’s easier/cheaper too.


That’s a more complicated answer then you might think and I think it’s limited byRayleigh criterion’s.

Deending on the dimsnesion of your lens and the size of your object you will need to calculate the minimoum distance, if you don’t want to rabbit hole into a very weird branch of Physic I would advice to ask something like chatgpt for more informations about it.

it’s a cool project toh.

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Got it, thanks.

Going to mess around with a few mirrors to see if it that might get me anywhere - an analogue projector kind of approach.

Prepared for this to be a bit fiddlier than I’d initially bargained for!

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