Lost in the registration process - need help please

Hello, I’m a bit lost in the registration process. After signing up to discourse (here) and a lapse in time, I have submitted a form twice once following the advice of the robot and once of the human and haven’t been invited to pay yet. Can someone help me to clarify my position please? I’ve been advised to ask in discord. Sorry if this is not the right channel, in which case, please point me in the right direction to ask this question again.
Many thanks for your help,

Hi Steph,
Sorry to hear you’re having problems with becoming a member. I checked and we sent you an invitation to join via email on the 11th of May and again on the 18th of May. Please check your spam folder as it may have ended up there. If you cannot find the invitation, I will send you a new one. Let me know.

We also have an Open Evening tonight if you would like a tour of the space.

Hope to meet you soon at the space.

Best regards,

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Hi Karin, Thanks for the quick response. My spam doesn’t go back that far. Could you please send me an invite again? Thanks for the invitation, I can’t make this evening :frowning: but I have been to a couple of open days before :slight_smile:

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Hi Steph,
send you a new invitation. Let me know if you have any problems.

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Hi Karin, yay, I got it and followed through. See you around.