Looking for hosts to Open Space

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Hi Everyone,

My name’s Jaydee Daley. I’m a new member.

I have started a laser-cutting project. I have the bug after my brother bought me a Sculpfun S9 laser for Christmas. I had no idea they let off toxic fumes. My attempt to ventilate failed, so here I am at Makerspace.

I think it’s great. I’m REALLY impressed. BUT and this is a BIG BUTT.
I need at least two days per week to use the laser. In other words, I’m looking for hosts to open up space on the calendar so that I can officially book.

I fear turning up when the door’s open and find that someone else already else is already smoking wood.

Any day of the week will do. So, hosts, please can you create Open days on the calendar.

Many thanks

Jaydee :grinning:


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Hi Jaydee,

Awesome that you like the laser cutter so much, its really the most amazing tool, I love it too! :slight_smile:

As a suggestion, you could volunteer a little at the makerspace to get shutter access and be able to host:

Lots of ongoing projects to engage in as well as:

Open Day volunteering:

And volunteering at the upcoming London Maker Festival hosted by SLMS: