Looking for a lady called Xanthe - Ceramicist @maker faire 2023

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Does anyone have the contact details of Xanthe, she was the lead on Ceramics last year but neither @Brendon_Hatcher nor I have her contact details, just a name.

Another useful info from me

@Dermot - contact to Xanthe
@Karin - ceramics tech
@ClemJ - ceramics person
@Jack_MH - ceramics professional

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@Karin - ceramics tech
@ClemJ - ceramics person
@Jack_MH - ceramics professional

Would anyone of you be interesting in being the Wrangler for Ceramic for the 2024 Maker faire or can you recommend an SLMS member? I have found Xanthe’s Instagram so have her contact details again.

Hi Dorine, unfortunately I don’t have much spare time at the moment!

Have you made contact with Xanthe yet?

Yes I’m connected with Xanthe now, found her on insta. I’ve also secured the Station hall for May and trying to convince Grace to come play with us again at the space, so we all cool now :slight_smile: