Look what I laser cut now!

It’s my head. Extracted JPEGs from an MRI scan and laser cut/engraved every fifth one.

Drinks coasters?


That is absolutely Wicked! I love it. Coasters :laughing:

So is it clear acrylic and the white is the engraving? How did u get access to ur MRI scan?

Yes, clear acrylic and white engraving. I’d like to try pulling out the vector from the brain and cutting that in black next so you can see it inside there clear skull.

I got the MRI data on a CD from the hospital. Freedom of Information Act j think…

I started doing something similar a little while ago, but whilst job control was still glitching out so sort of abandoned it. Looks really cool!

It’s more likely under the DPA where you have a right to your personal information held by another company, but same idea.

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We routinely just give them out if the patient asks.

I guess I will have to start asking next time something goes wrong with my body. Which hopefully it doesn’t. So are you a radiographer then Pete?

He’s even fancier than that!

Brain surgeon!

well its not rocket science…


Love this!