Loads of stuff to go to the dump

There’s a growing pile of rubbish out front, plus a bunch or gear in the snug we need to take a hard look at…

I’ve sent Gordon a message about the scaffold tower to see if he wants it back.

Also we have water tanks and a collection of drawing boards. We can always go back to them…ba dum tish!

I have a drawing board that I took with me when I left teaching. Seemed like a good thing to have but it’s been in storage for 10 years now and I haven’t really missed it.

What sort of water tanks?

I don’t have a picture to hand of the ones we have got, but they look roughly like this, maybe a bit larger:


One of them was used as a cement sediment tank back when we were making the block wall in the run-up to Christmas. They also have taps at the bottom. They have loose lids like water butts, or dustbins.

I think we should stop adding to the pile of rubbish out the front. It is looking like an eyesore. There are also some electronic items, like a computer tower, that have been dumped on it recently.

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Gordon says we should feel free to pass the scaffold on to a new home. Let’s make sure we don’t need it before we do.

Yes. Don’t know if the computer tower is a blow in.

But we know from bitter experience that a rubbish pile attracts generous donations of crap, which are expensive to get rid of.

Putting a barrier around the rubbish deterred donations before.

So we we are not going to expand?

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I say keep the scaffolding! Is too useful to give away!

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I know we aren’t a tool library but maybe keeping the scaffolding would be a good idea. It’s the sort of thing that’s very useful for members to borrow very occasionally.

And if we do decide to throw it away I’ll have it please!

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Good points.

The question is whether we can justify the storage space against occasional use

Doesn’t seem to me to be an essential bit of kit for a Makerspace.

Expanding to another arch is only a vague possibility…

Phase 3? Might need it?

Now… If a member took them and was wiiling to lend them back if we found a need, that might work?

Otherwise we need an effective way of storing it, though keeping it pushes other stuff out, so at some point the pressure to get rid of it will surface again.

Well @Dermot I see your point, but is a very good piece of equipment… For example if we are going to plaster the wall we will need it… Just an example but could be need it also for major maintenance or something like that… Now We are starting to take out from the snug the stuff that will live in the workshops so I think we are going to find a way to storage it properly!

I would say that if any more work is to be done in our arch, then it could likely be done with just a ladder. It would seem that the only use for the scaffold tower would be if we expanded into another arch. If this did happen, however, browsing the internet suggests that a brand new one could be acquired for less than £200. One in a similar state to ours could probably be had for much less, if it could not be got for free, although we would have to first find a used one available when we would need it.

The choice, therefore, is whether to keep the space-depriving (and dirty, and bent) one we have and put up with the long-term inconvenience that would cause us, or take the risk on having to spend at most £200 on replacing it at some uncertain point in the future (or never).

I would vote that we should get rid of it. It does not seem sensible to me to hang on to it, simply in order to forgo risking a fairly small expenditure in the future, should we ever expand (which seems highly uncertain). Also, if we got rid of it, it could go to someone who definitely has a use for it, whereas we would be keeping it for a lengthy and uncertain period on the off chance that we might one day have a use for it again. To me, this seems the less wasteful of the two options.

Happy to take it, use it to paint the outside of my house, store it and lend it back if it’s ever needed.


Sounds like a plan!

Well sounds like the best plan!

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FWIW, I have some white bags from the space used for build waste, that came to my house after the last trip to the tip. I keep on forgetting to bring back to the space, I’m looking after the little one tomorrow so could try make that an errand.

Ok then. I’ll try and bring the pickup down and collect at some point. Might be some delay as I’m recovering from a scary encounter with a rather serious scalp infection at the moment but put my name on them!

I know I’m not currently a member anymore but if you don’t know what to do of the drawing table I can give it a second life

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The ball on a stick lamps can also go several people have asked if they can have them

Please can the lamps be gone, if yes Steffano and Joe have put in requests.