Laser kerfaffles SORTED, but keep an eye on it!


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but…

Either the bed, mirrors or combination of the two are somewhat misaligned…
Just cut a full sheet - perfect in top left, increasingly worse towards the bottom and right.

About half the pieces cut are damaged from snapping them loose - might be worth adding an extra pass to anyone using the laser in the interim.

Let me know if you’d rather me stick an out of order sign on it.

yes, put it out of order.

Lens holder is in front of the computer screen. After 10am poke the resin in 4 corners to make sure it’s dry. Until its dry laser is out of order. After its dry insert it to the laser head,tighten it and test how it cuts. If not surr, keep it out of order, I’ll be back one of the upcoming evenings. @lasers

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What happened, was the lens not in correct or was the laser so far out of alignment that it melted the holder? :speak_no_evil:

If it was the mirror, do we need to lock the screws again?

Does this mean another lens has gone?


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It was the lens in the lensholder not sitting right. I just moved it to a fresh holder, the old needs cleaning and its slot might be too small for the lens.
The table has been leveled since our last sesh.


Does this mean it’s usable again if it’s dry now Petra?


Keep an eye on it though!


Thanks Petra!

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