MakerBuddies partner with other members to help them feel welcome and supported in the Space. This is a great way to support the community, and volunteer as part of your journey towards getting shutter access.
MakerBuddies can:
Tell their Buddy when they are going to be in the Space, and invite them to come along
Offer to help with a project
Suggest a project to do together
Becoming a Buddy
Any member can volunteer to be a MakerBuddy
Join the MakerBuddies group on discourse (see the screenshot below)
Look out for new member intros and respond with an offer to Buddy
Look out for discussion and project postings and offer to assist as a Buddy
Send a message to your Buddy(s) telling them when you are going to the Space
Request a Buddy
Post a request in the Discussion category
Identify a member that you would like to buddy with and then see if they are in the MakerBuddies group. If they are, send them a Direct Message.
Maybe you could mention that some people might feel a little intimidated to come to the space alone to start with and the maker buddy idea could help with that.
I really like the idea and I am sure, I would’ve enjoyed that a lot when I first started. I also hope it will bring our community a bit closer together. Other than that - go for it.
I would move Tell their Buddy when they are going to be in the Space, and invite them to come alongto the first bullet point, as it’s the simplest, low commitment way to participate.
I would love This is a great way to support the community, and volunteer as part of your journey towards getting shutter earlier in the block, to after MakerBuddies partner with other members to help them feel welcome and supported in the Space.
I propose we create a new subtopic within discussion to host the MakerBuddies posts. This would allow folks to customize their notification settings around it. Thoughts?
Wouldn’t this be a nice thing for prospective members to see? Adds to the community feel of the makerspace I think. What’s the reason for going behind the private wall!?
Yes, exactly this. Especially if you’re wanting to learn something. I think Makerspaces can be quite daunting for complete beginners, especially given some of the discussions that happen on discourse, this is a nice way to soften that language and encourage complete beginners to get into making. I love the idea of sharing knowledge for the sake of sharing, without expecting anything back.
Really great initiative @Brendon_Hatcher, hopefully this catches on and evolves to suit the SLMS community