I try to sign up for the induction on 02.01.24 has it worked?
Yes I can see you checkbox
Now if you make it to the top six, you’ll be invited over in that topic, so watch for emails/notifications.
Somewhat related question - are inductions necessary if we already have experience with tools?
I’m guessing it is necessary to just “tick the box” for health and safety reasons but just wanted to check.
EDIT: just read this… https://discourse.southlondonmakerspace.org/t/basic-wood-workshop-induction-list/19006/42 about the basic induction, which makes sense, but after that do you still need inductions for tools you are familiar with?
Hi @shawaj👋
Every tool in the space requires an induction before you are allowed to operate it.
This is for safety reasons, regardless of whether you have prior experience with the equipment.
Absolutely share all specialist knowledge you have!, but please only demonstrate after your induction.
Yes you will. Even if you’re an expert, there are some uses of the tools and shop policies for uses that we will not allow (safety or maintenance related) that you may otherwise do in your own home/shop. This info is outlined on the individual tool pages.