I drilled into the aluminium base of the mini cnc

@CNCtechs I managed to make the most stupid mistake with the mini cnc today… I measured an 18mm MDF board as 20mm and accordingly the last pass was one too many.
I used the 6mm 2 flute bit which seems undamaged, but I am not sure. Sorry. Other than measure twice next time, is there anything else I can do to help fix things?

(for the record, its just the circle that’s my damage)


I take there was no sacrificial board under you stock doesn’t it?

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No. I know better now. It was simply a mis measure. And while this does t exactly give me any credibility with this machine, I believe there is something (completely unrelated) not working with it:
I got a 22mm piece of MDF and attempted my cut (19mm deep, 2mm /path again. Three times at three different position , between 3min and 5min into the cut, the CNC stopped.
Twice with the spindle running and the software Axis still showing movement and once with the spindle stopped and also the software disconnected from the CNC and stopped showing any movement.
It seemed really totally random. @dannz kindly looked at it a few times for a sanity check - but there was nothing obvious wrong.
@ni suggested a new Lan cable from the Linux machine to the CNC - that’s now replaced.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help - but I suggest we should out a “not working” sign on the machine - or alternatively on me…

This is an unrelated issue… I was told it could be the rely in tool control that trips randomly, but rarely. It never happened to me but it was reported already.

@systems… Can we have a new tool control (hardware) for the mini cnc?

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I hope it works for the induction later. To support your tool control suspicion: I did notice that was logged out at some point, but I can’t confirm of that was at the time the CNC stopped

Thank you for living up to it Jo. As discussed a sacrificial board is needed indeed and we will put more emphasis on it in inductions and when members use the machine.

@CNCtechs I am not sure it’s worth reviewing our checklist* or making an additional warning sign for when members attempt through cuts.

*can’t remember from top of my head whether the sacrificial board use is called out specifically.

Good point. Yes we can add that bit too as the checklist is unde review as well

Yes the relay is messed up, and the whole node should be replaced anyways….

@ToolControl do we have any new nodes?

A capacitor might be a good shout too

Is a sacrificial board needed for all cuts? How does one use a sacrificial board thicker than a couple millimeters with the types of clamps we have on the mini?

I had to cut some holes a month ago but because i couldn’t figure out how to mount a sacrificial board with the lateral clamps, i had to settle for cutting the hole 70% of the way through and then flipping the stock.

You have to use a sacrificial board of at least 8-10mm and you will clamp the sacrificial board, not your stock.
Your stock will be glued or hold with screws, or double tape etc to the sacrificial board

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Once the second Bambu is back in operation, I’ll print some holddown claps like the one’s I did for the big CNC, only shorter. The sacrificial bed can be clamped using the T-slot clamps and the workpiece can be secured with the holddown clamps which can be screwed into the sacrificial bed. Then no worries about hitting screws.


On our big CNC at school I used a 25mm MDF baseboard, then a sacrificial board but that then meant jobs had to be screwed down rather than using the t-slots.