How was this wood joint tooled?

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Saw this in a shop, want to recreate it. Curious how its made, especially how its made with such clean lines…i would have thought drilling into the side of a cylinder would create a lot of tear out or at minimum splintered edges.

Have I missed a trick?

Double mitre

Don’t know what that is or how to do that

There are no circular cuts involved, just a V-shaped notch in the lower part and a V-shaped point on the vertical part.


Couldn’t have said it better

May even be screwed and plugged or dowelled from below for added strength

Done on chop saw at an angle or by hand? Jig?

Probably a router table/spindle moulder depending on the scale of the joint and how many of these they are making

Easy to do by hand

Can you show me? Cup of tea, slice of cake on me?

I just bought Ryoba Japanese saw too! It cuts so clean!