How to Contribute to the Electronics Area

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Helping out around the Electronics Area is a great way to support The Space and make yourself known to those with the power to grant Shutter Access.

Here is a Trello Board, curated by the electrotechs, filled with tasks in need of doing by anyone with the time and ability.

There are tasks for people of all abilities. Please only do tasks that you are proficient in.

General Tasks:

These are never ending! When you do one of these, create a new task from the template and let us know about your hard work. Examples include:

  • Detangle cables and wires
  • Sort and label caches of random components
  • Host an Event - Ideally we want one Thursday Evening Open Event a month
  • Recycling electrical waste
  • Tidying up the benches (including underneath)

Specific Tasks:

These only need to be done once and must be picked by individuals. Examples include:

  • Fixing equipment
  • Writing documentation/tutorials
  • Creating video demonstrations

Trello Membership
The free version of Trello only allows for 10 active members - as new members request access, members who have not used it in the longest time will be booted.
We are currently looking for an alternative.