Hoping an inducted member can help

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Hey all,

I am currently waiting to hear back from the directors regarding membership and am waiting for some induction classes to run but am working on a time sensative project.

I have a 3D print file that needs to be run. It’s spliced and ready for print on the Bambu X1. I hoping an inducted member can run the print for me while I’m waitng to hear back. Happy to discuss any compensation for doing so,


How long is the print? I’ll be around later today and tomorrow afternoon.

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Total print time is 5.5hrs @ 0.2 standard layer height.

I’m heading to the space today for 12:30. Are you able to get there for that? I have lots of woodworking to do while it prints so would work out nicely.

Otherwise, if you list out some 6 hour windows you can be at the space, it would make coordinating a bit smoother. I’m out all weekend, but probably some people around over the weekend could help.

I can be at the space for 12:30. Is it possible for me to set the print and then head off? I have work later on today

Yeah I’ll be around until it’s done

I think we just passed each other… I’m outside :slight_smile:

Print done and sitting on the main table in a plastic ramen tub with your name on it! The tall very skinny one didn’t turn out so hot, so might need to redo or split it so those can sit on the bed.

When you pick it up, you can scan the huge QR code under the printers to buy the filament (150g)

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No worries at all!

You’re the best. Thanks Neil