In return for Hitachi’s very kind donation of drills, chop saw, skill saw and grinder, we’re letting them use the makerspace construction site as a set for a photo shoot for their tools. All we need to do is open up for them and close shop afterwards. There’s the possibility of further donations to the space in the future, so it’s worth doing them this favour.
No rush, but we will need a volunteer to help out on the day.
Hold your tag by the sticker to activate the up and down buttons.
It’s possible Hitachi will get all the photo’s they want in a couple of hours.
Personally I’m fine with them staying after you go if they promise to check the front door is closed when they go.
I can swing past the space to close the shutter or whatever if someone phones me on 07902 464118 an hour before.
As I’ve said, I’m happy to help. I can only stay a bit longer than Brenda though, until 2.45. I also don’t have shutter access so not sure how helpful that is! I’m willing to lend a hand throughout the day as needed.