Historical conversation - Come along to Jam night! - expect Clean room to be full of music/sounds!

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Hi folks,

I’m hosting this weeks open evening, and as usual putting a musical spin on things. This week we’ll be having a jam so bring along your instruments and voices, home made or otherwise, and make some racket! No assumptions made about genre, ability, quality or anything else - just a chance to have some fun and meet with other musical members of the community!

Hopefully see you there - everything starting at around 19:00 :smiley:


I hope to bring my new Makerspace-built pedalboard for some ambient guitar stuff.



Is a guitar amp available at the Space? Don’t think I can carry mine.

Think there’s a tiny one. I can bring something

@timyates what sort of space do we need for this?

@Ben_Sammon should we get some social around this?

I think there’s an amp in the space (maybe @Jonty_Bottomley 's?) but I’ll bring my small one too.
In terms of space I was thinking we can just use the clean area and arrange as required depending on how many show up?

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Yes, we might be best to warn members (so they can pack noise cancelling headphones…?)

Good idea - it’s a one off so it’s a problem we won’t do it again :wink:
Shall I just post a new message to the board, or is there a better way?

Have pinned it globally. Add whatever details you want to the topic title

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Yes for sure, could I use a photo from the first music open night to promote it? Also I am 50/50 whether I will be able to make this one. Could someone take some photos for social media for me to share?

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Yes…do you have any photos, or are you asking for them?

I hope I will be able to make it as well. It’s my first time and I looking forward to meeting you all.

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No worries, all sorted now

Hi all,

Hope last night went well, I wish I could’ve made it. Does anyone have any photos for me to share on the SLMS social media?

Thanks Dermot

4 posts were split to a new topic: Jam Night Revival