Help! Patination then bleach on wood!

Soooooooo I screwed up and could use some help figuring out how to fix it.

We’re renting a flat from someone my wife knows. I patinated some copper recently, and must have spilled some diluted patination solution on the kitchen counter, which promptly developed dark stains. Once we discovered we quickly figured out that soap and scrubbing did nothing at all.

So we hit the stains with bleach, which definitely got the staining out, but also bleached the wood itself quite a bit - and probably stripped any surfacing or oils in the process.

So now we have these bleach stains.

And what I am wondering is:

  1. Can we fix this by redoing surface treatments? (and if so, what should I look for when buying materials for redoing the surface? Oil? Wood stain?)
  2. Or do we have to sand the bench down to below the staining and redo the entire thing?

It looks like staved oak solid wood worktop,
Sorry but re sanding and finishing is the way I would go