[Help needed] Saturday 11th May Laser cutting workshop 1-2 volunteer needed

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New session by @Brendon_Hatcher

He found a really cool generator at https://cuttle.xyz/@cuttle/Keychain-Generator-j0lMJaBnDHn0
The plan is to have 3-5 laptops out for people to generate their keychain.
We’ll then cut them on the laser.
He bought some keychain bits: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CXXKNZSB
He’ll need 1-2 volunteer to help him.

I’m down to do tours, but more than happy to help with this. Happy to swap back and forth as needed.


Thanks Rob that’s great @Brendon_Hatcher just said he he is good at running it on both days

Happy to help out with this on Sunday if its needed. I’ve done the laser induction, but not actually used it by myself, but I can bring a laptop down and help people with the tool.

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