[Help needed] Papercraft activity at the festival

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@Mimmalein has offered to host the Papercraft activity: We could do with a couple more people helping

|Papercraft|Activity|Flextangles, origami|@Mimmalein|

Anyone has some scrap paper/card and other stuff that could be used to make stuff they might like to donate?

There is origami paper in the drawer (in a tin box) at the entrance. And some brown paper.


I’ve got some regular photocopier type paper in a couple of colours if that is any help


The paper left from last year should be in a tin in the drawers - I did them last year! I have a big pack of origami paper that I can donate.

Flextangles - I recommend using sticky tape rather than glue as the glue just takes too long and kids aren’t patient enough. I can donate a load of rolls of that too ( somehow I have a drawer of sticky tape at home and I can’t even remember where it all came from). I suspect I am the God of Sticky Tape and these rolls have made a pilgrimage to me.

I’ll bring this to the space today.


@Giles found a large roll of gift wrap paper yesterday - he kindly donated it to the community. It’s in the messy room. At a wild guess there may be 100m or so - certainly enough, if the paper is suitable for what you want. I’ll be in later today and will put it by the sublimation printer.


thank you so much and appreciate the sticky tape advice!!

that would be amazing thank you!

I’ve left the sticky tape and box of origami paper on the wimsew industrial sewing machine at the back of the textile area

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Just to be clear, I found it some time ago and it has been around for a while.
I myself used it for wrapping a couple of parcels recently. It has numerous uses. All good.

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