Help me find the right wifi gadget, please

I’m currently using an EE Mifi device for Internet access in my house in Hertfordshire.

I’m slowly adding more ESP8266 based IoT devices.

My problem is that the mifi device will only allow 10 connections,and I’m soon going to be at that maximum.

It doesn’t have any wired connection, so I can’t add a simple Wireless access point.

What I’m looking for is something that will connect wirelessly to it, and then provide a second wireless network with a different SSID that I can use just for IoT devices. It would be a bonus if it also provided a wired Ethernet connection as well.

So what am I looking for? I don’t even know what it might be called…

If you do this it will be slow, but you could buy a USB 4G dongle and plug that into a router with USB support…

Otherwise any wireless router, that doesn’t have a built-in cable or ADSL model should support this, in fact there is one that belongs to the space you can loan for now?

Technicolour something or other. It has a USB port for the stated purpose too.

You could get another wireless router, and then join then networks wirelessly, similar to the instructions on this page:

That is, of course, assuming that your EE wifi device behaves like any other router (i.e. giving the same administrator privileges).

You might want to try this also, if you have a Windows computer, although I don’t know if it works:

You don’t have a wired conection?

No. Because I’m only there occasionally I have a 4G connection through one of these
I buy 6gb sim cards that last 3 months and cost £15. I can’t find a better deal than 2gb for a fiver a month.

So I could use a router in bridge mode to give me a wired connection. And then I’d need to connect another access point to that to give me a 2nd wireless network…? Was hoping for a one box solution. But I already have lots of spare routers kicking about so maybe that’s the answer.

How about something like this

How about using a distrebuted antenna system?

Really s☆☆t tv airal cable is f☆☆ing useless most of the time but it does make excellent lekkey feeder systems at a very low cost

Less swearing on Discourse please.

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If your EE device plays along, you should only require a wireless router which permits wireless bridging. as per my first link.

Sorry just you know that I like a colourful adjective

Then that’s what I’ll try first!

Thanks everyone.