Hello, I'm Jacco

Hi Team,

I am very pleased to have been accepted as part of this great community and really look forward to contributing and meeting everyone. Im interested in developing my wood work skills and delving into electronics and potentially metalwork in the new year.
If anyone could point me in the right direction for booking into tool inductions? Currently it appears to come up with a message ( Access Denied - while trying to load /c/admin/induction-waiting-lists/find_by_slug.json - Something went wrong) Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
I have only just just joined and subscribed so may be a bit more patient.

Also if anyone is working on a project and in need of 3D CAD, (in particular Rhino 3D). I would be more the happy to work with you on your project or assist/ share my knowledge in CAD. Have a fair bit of experience in this area.

Thanks again and hopefully meet you soon!



Welcome Jacco!

As a new member you should now have access to the induction waiting lists and induction sessions. (it takes a little bit…)

Members are ALWAYS looking for 3D CAD info, for 3D printing, CNC and more… If you were up for it, it would be amazing to run an intro workshop for other members on this, let me know if you would be game? and we can get it setup!

Come by anytime the space is open (check the calendar) and get a fob, and we will see you soon in the Space!



Hi Jacco,
Welcome to the space!
I’ve joined not long ago too.
I’m happy to join forces in providing some CAD knowledge too although the software I know and mainly use is Solidworks (would be more than happy to get some Rhino knowledge of course!)

@asander What software that doesn’t need license do people in the space usually use for 3D printing/CNC/laser cutter, etc?

Thank you,


Welcome aboard @Jacco1. I think you’ll find plenty here to keep you busy.

@cristina.rebollo, I’ve been learning OnShape recently.


I normally use fusion360, but I’m not great with it.


Laser is happiest with 2D graphics. We support CNC workflows from either 2D graphics via VCarve or CAM operations via Fusion360 but you can model in outside tools.

There’s been a few discussions in the past around which modeling tools to use: Best free CAD for beginners?


For Laser, we can support Inkscape (which is open source).


For parametric images/shapes, I like using FreeCAD. It’s pretty finicky for 3D modeling though, I’ve been using Sketchup for 3D. For all other 2D, as @Brendon_Hatcher mentioned, Inkscape is free and has a mature feature set


Amazing, thanks all! I’ve previously used some SketchUp but not much and when I was using a laser cutter some years ago I was creating the graphics on Illustrator. I’m getting my induction on the laser cutter next week so looking forward to get on with it!

We have Illustrator set up on the laser PC so you should be right at home!


Good Morning Andy,

Thanks so much! yes definitely keen to get something set up! I’ll pop down next week to familiarise myself with the space and see how I can help out. Hope to see you there soon!


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Hey Cristina,

Sounds great! It’s always better to team up. Also more than happy to show you Rhino, I’m actually also interested in learning more Solidworks so that could work great!
I’ll let you know when I’m next headed to the space next week and Hopefully we can get something set up with Andy.

Many thanks

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Thanks for the kind welcome Glenn, Hope to see you around!

Hi Jacco,
Sounds great!
I have laser induction next Tuesday at 7pm. I could be in the space at 6pm if that would work for you :blush: