Hand tools donation

I got some hands tools to donate to the space/makers - I’m downsizing and I can’t keep so much.
Is there any rules for bringing tools into the space?


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Really depends on what it is. We really, really appreciate donations, but want to avoid clutter and build up of tools that won’t get used. Have a nice plane you’d like to donate, yes please! A collection of bent and rusty saws that could theoretically be sharpened but probably won’t - we should pass.

What were you thinking of bringing by?

I got a few planes, and some other hand tools, no rusty one, although nothing spectacular, i guess.!

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Let me know

I’ll wait for a few days

the hand tools you have there would get pretty good use at the space and would be much appreciated. We do already have a scroll saw though

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good to know, i’ll bring them



Hi Max,

Tools in. Some taken care by Joe, some left on top of table saw. I’ll bring more tomorrow.


Thank you!! I’ll sort through them tomorrow

I just left as a donation a bunch of clamps in good nick.
I hope they are useful.