Fundraising for new DSO

The old Rigol on the shelf is too slow and poorly responded as an entrance level DSO for the members. It’s time to replace it with a proper modern one—Siglent SDS804. Which has 12bit ADC with uv level noise, flat Gaussian response that allows measurement over 300MHz, touch screen, hardware FFT on FPGA and most importantly, goes much faster on its user interface, actually let it useable in chacing the signal and doing a meaningful measurements! This isn’t just an upgrade—it’s a game changer!

The directors are going to defray half of the cost of scope itself with the budget, so the primary goal is to reach 150£ by space members. Any exter received pledge will be used for preaching consumables like probes. If lucky enough for another 170£, we can even get a full test set, with an external generator for advanced functions! After that, we can eventually have the ability to set up the risk assessment and proper introduction for members, by having a basic electric bench that is fully functional:)


I can give £10. It’s not much but it’s something to get the ball rolling.

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