Fob fob

Hi tom
I’m in the work space with Sarah.
Ild like to get a fob.
We can’t find them. Do you know where they are?

We’ve checked the sewing machine drawers & can’t see them.

Bottom draw of Bernina sewing machine table by washroom.

Swipe it on entry plate, and leave a message here with an exact as possible time you did it.


Got one thanks. (I thought it was the top drawer.)

Paul just touched in with new fob. Did it register?


Nope. Give it another go

Just having a greasy spoon. Back in a mo.
Does the door need to be shut for it to work?

Just tried again with the door shut.
Time is 2:12

Sounds like a dud fob.

Try another one!

Ok, I’ll try another one.

Also maybe stupid question time.
What do I need to do?
Hold it on the plate for 3 seconds?

Shouldn’t even need to be that long.

Just tried a new one. 3:13

Worked that time :slight_smile:
Throw the duff one in electronics waste

Hit it with a hammer too. You know, For placebic frustration.

Should work for the door now. Get two other shutterers to vouch for you and you can work the shutter too :slight_smile:

Great thanks everyone!!!

Mine has been a bit dodgy too. It work perfectly on the shutter but I have to try a few times on the door before it will work.

I think this was different because the tag wasn’t working, but the issue with the tags not being read is due to the cold temperature outside slowing the Crystal Oscillator in the RFID board, we need to make a change that brings the board inside and the antenna outside.