Flashforge printer workaround

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@3dtechs I wasn’t able to print on Flashforge printer when G-code file created using Ultimaker-Cura. Workaround: the printer works perfectly using the free Flashforge software (Flashprint). Other members were not able to print too, so maybe the instruction could point to the native software?


Good to know! I thought that machine just hates me🤣


Thanks @dario appreciate you raising it, we’ll pick that up. It may be an easy fix or we’ll update the instructions.

We’ll likely do a review of the instructions and induction in the near future

I had a look and it seems like the profile for the Flashforge on Cura was set up incorrectly. I have reinstalled it and it’s now working again.

But you can also use the Flashforge Slicer. Both will work. @3dtechs