Fan on table

So theres a Vent-axia fan thing on the big table that was on when I came in. Can I turn it off?

Space is looking super tidy! Excellent!

If it’s annoying you, turn it off. I think it’s there just to encourage air circulation

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I put it there to help the dehumidifier moov air around

Didn’t seem to do anything :expressionless:
The graph is still flat at 80% (and those weird spikes have gone too)

What should we be looking for in terms of rh%? What is it outside?

The Canadians have the answer again:

  • Less than 20% is bad for skin
  • More than 70% causes condensation
  • Low humidity causes static build up.

Temprature ideally in summer clothing should be 23-25ºC @ 60% or 24.5-28ºC @ 30% otherwise in winter clothing 20-24ºC @ 60% or 20.5-25.5ºC @ 30%…

So basically if we can aim for 22ºC @ 30-60% that would be ideal, the workshops can be a little cooler because people are working.

The readings are a little bit odd. When I was in the other day the dehumidifier was 70, went down to 60 after a while and back to 68. The dual thing on the shelf was at the same time about 10 lower so at one point hit 50. The readings on the sub-floor (not really sub-floor] sensor were nothing like either of them.
Admittedly these readings change with temp but I expected some correlation.
The current humidity would drop to 50 of you simply heated the air to 23.

Persoanlly, I prefer it much cooler than the Canadian recommendations for. They sound stiflingly warm to me.

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21ºC is normal temprature.

I vote for 18.5ºC

I read in an article that Mark Zuckerberg likes to keep the Facebook offices chilled to 15ºC.

His office, fine.

FB offices, what has that conceivably got to do with him?

Yep. Plus some research from Finland.

I don’t know if it’s disappointing or reassuring to see that these modern billionaires are weirdoes. I just read a piece by a guy who works at SpaceX…Musk sounds like an appalling boss.