Extra buttons for Discourse?

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I’ve figured out an easy way to add extra icons to the top right (next to User, Menu and Search)

Do we want anything there? If so, what?
It’s much easier to add icons (which have a known width) than text (which can vary and screw up the alignment). Hundreds to choose from at https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/

eg. This one could take you to the main homepage.

Not functional but a bit of fun.
You could add blinkenlights somewhere on the page turned on by a button icon.
Everything is better with blinkenlights.

A link to members.southlondonmakerspace.org would be good I suppose, but what icon?

I think that is a bad idea it’s a confusing page to have a link to, we should have that on the home page.

Two suggestions:

  1. A ‘log out’ button would be useful.

  2. When I first joined a month ago, I found the absence of a button taking me back to the main SLMS website odd, but less so now. For non-members checking us out - who will have arrived on discourse from the main site - they may appreciate knowing how to get back to the main site.

Turns out that’s a site setting, so I’ve turned it on. Now at the bottom of the user menu (your profile pic at top right)

thanks, that saves me a couple of clicks!

“Important Links” in the header?

(First link takes you to our main website)
(Hover state shown for About)

Scroll down and the topic title takes over as usual