EMF Camp 2024

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It’s an on-year for Electromagnetic Field Festival, a technology camping festival held in Eastnor Park at the end of May every 2nd year.

This year it will take place from the 30th May to 2nd June.

Presumably, tickets will be available soon, and South London Makerspace has made an appearance most years; who’s planning on going this year?


I suspect my other half and myself will be going again…


I’m planning to go too! :wave:

I am planning to go with my 3 daughters. I think @asander1 was thinking about joining as well

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I’m too, for sure, binging along the panoption again and maybe a new project

That sounds good. Is it like other festivals in that I could survive the weekend by buying expensive food on site rather than bringing a gas stove?

There are definitly facilities on site

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If you volunteer enough you can probably get enough food to last from the volunteer tent.

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Thanks. Good to know. Need to see if my wife and son fancy it. Probably one will more than the other.

In comparison to previous years, the quality and range/choice had definitely gone down in 2022 and the prices had gone up quite a bit. I think the organisers were struggling to find vendors to come on-site on the needed dates, as there were a number of challenges encountered by all festival organisers once lockdowns were over and festivals started operating again. We took food for a couple of days, and splurged on other days from the vendors.

I’ll see if they are interested in my wind monitoring service

If they are, then I’ll be there…


I’m sure the cfp will open soon.

I’ll be going. Would be great to make a little village!

I was thinking about the whacky racer event today as it happens. Wonder how you get into it :thinking:.

I’m planning to try and get tickets.

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FYI - Ticket info just announced:

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Maybe we can try to do a group buy?

Is that an option? Or you mean just coordinate so when one of us gets in we buy for a bunch of us?

If you’ve volunteered before you should get a ticket without much trouble.

What if you’ve never been, any tips on getting the tickets?

Pair up with someone else who has.