Emf 2022

In case anybody gets here while we’re not around!

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Oh dear that is not a good picture :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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Space for gazebo etc between these two tents, I’m location agnostic but this will do for now.
Andreas in orange tent. Mine on the left of photo


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Gazebo is 3x3 metres

Be there around 7

What’s the situation for bringing the gear in? I’ve got a fair amount of of reasonably heavy stuff with gazebo, table, sign and breakfast stuff (no food yet)

I’m dead already bringing in my stuff.

Have chatted to stewards, you should be okay, go the vehicle gate and they can escort you in/out. We’re close enough to the path that it should be manageable!

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I can confirm close vehicle access is possible, as Andreas says :slight_smile:

I’ve arrived, plenty of space

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So…too late for vehicle access

Some hands getting stuff from van would be great

We need to mark it as our village somehow

I’m free to help, meet at village?

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I’m at Tesco now, buying #MakerBreakfast kit

If anyone wants to set up the table and get the hot water urn on that’d be great

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Please post pictures for us that don’t get to be there :grinning:


I hope everyone made it home safely, thanks everyone who was there!


Random photo splurge :smile:


I can confirm that it was as much fun as these photos imply!

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Hello, I’m not a member, but you’re local to me and I was at emfcamp, so came looking for your village, but failed to find it!

I was running the portable SEM in Null sector and also produced the 3D print files for the Diplodocus skull.

I work at the NHM and have lots of daft ideas for creative projects if anyone is interested.


Hey Alex!

Sadly I couldn’t figure out how to place the village on the map!

Hey Alex. We may have chatted at EMF, because we definitely stopped by the SEM one evening and had a good watch of things going on, with a bit of a chat too. There were two guys there when we stopped by, and without knowing what you look like, I can’t tell whether we actually met or not. Either way, thanks for bringing it along - it was fascinating to see, and I wish I’d been able to think of something to bring along and scan!

Good to hear that you enjoyed it. Since I’m the archetypal scientist guy, I’m balding with glasses! I also have a beard and am pretty tall, but since it was cold most evenings I was wearing a wool beanie, so that doesn’t help!

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