Electronics work bench and soldering

Do we have basic soldering stuff? Soldering Iron, Tin, etc?

Yes, but we need an extractor, and a risk assessment needs completing.

Do we need to extract outside, or would be enough to ‘filter’? I saw a YouTube video, of someone building an ‘extractor’ out of 4 12V case fans, a few grills, nuts and rods, and the foam from a GFX card box as filter. If I find it again, I will post a link.

I have specified an extractor from our GLA budget…


I think a soldering iron and other stuff like that comes under general kit for the makerspace rather than components and bits for arduino and microcontroller prototyping.

Theres going to be a work bench for soldering and general electronics.


We can buy things now and claim back from the GLA later. An extractor’s only £30. Why not just get one?

Only reasons not to do so are current funds and the risk that the GLA might refuse the funding at the last minute. (the agreement is still not signed due to their own glacial bureaucracy)

Because of shipping costs…

@tomnewsom can we split this topic to a new topic, Electronics work bench, from Jan’s post about the soldering iron please. As its moving away from μMeet specific kit.
Then ill wikify it.

You have moderator access.

Didnt occur to me i could do that.
Done now.

Regarding soldering- are we ok to bring our own soldering irons along, or is there insufficient ventilation? (Would we need to fill in a risk assessment? Is an open door sufficient?)

I am not sure why you would bring your own soldering iron, we have one, but you would be able to use it once we’ve completed a risk assessment.

People should not be using leaded solder, are required to use goggles and extraction.

We do need buy a the extractor yet.

We have one? Cool, sorry, I must have misunderstood the above discussion.

We have one I donated thats pretty decent.