Electronics night request

Could you guys make a wire buzzer thing for the Xmas party?

And maybe the components that a budding electro newbie could assemble on the day.

A bit of wire. And a buzzer. And a handle to go around the wire track without letting the buzzer going off type thing

I can do it but maybe not at the space. If you can set aside one Arduino and one Piezo I can assemble and set it aside - Let me know what shape and size you would like the hoop and the wire length. Also, If anyone has MP3 shield to spare for the party it could make it more interesting sound wise.


Don’t need an Arduino… just a buzzer and a wire… Although it could be much more interesting!


555 timer ftw!

oh you, what have you got in mind ? you make me laugh. it’d better be good! :wink:

Is that a siren I hear?

make the wire have addressable sections, so that a mistake in a different place will play a different siren. Have the final section be for winning and play Ode To Joy.


A WiFi enabled quad core should do it if it’s got a couple of Gb of Sd card available



…Kid friendly shape and size…

…two player version?

There is a bit of mission-creep going on. Let me know when you firm up the requirements and when I can drop by to collect the BOM?

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It’s wouldn’t be SLMS if we didn’t have over engineering and scope creep ! That’s what we live for :smile:


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Ok @boldaslove and @Courty hot out oven just got hold of pi zero + amplifier hat, should be able to do all bells and whistles, when is this needed by?

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Xmas party is on the 10th December @3 pm till late.

It’s for kids and playful adults.

That’s good thinking, the wifi should permit access to cloud computing services for extra processing power. Could also implement the control logic on a web server in China.

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…2 player…

Difficulty settings (motorised jubilee clip on a stick to make a smaller or larger loop)

That’s the bit we are going to control from China

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Rig it up to an ECG so the “noose” gets tighter as your heartrate increases

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We can use a laser to track the earlobe of the player and use backscatter to sense blood pressure