Electronics and Coding Night - Thurs 19th July

Thursday is here again ! who’s going to be about tonight for Electronics and Coding Night ?

Unless there is a desperate need, I’m not going to be about this week (appols, life getting in the way of play again) - I’m working until 8pm and then up at 4:30 tomorrow to catch a flight :frowning: Bah Humbug

I have packed an ESP8266 and ESP32/OLED to play with though - hope airport security don’t get the hump with them being in my luggage ?!..

Courty & the @electrotechs

I’m possibly going to be there , depends of how the day will go and the energy left :slight_smile:

I had may funny electonics projects in my luggage and in 5 years never had a problem , if they stop you , tell them you are and electonics engineer , they will just nod and pretend they understand.

Different was the reaction when I got my Commodore 64 out of the luggage, there was a general nostalgia overflow around me xD

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I have packed a bits box filled with electronic components, jumper cables, etc on more than one occasion and not had a problem.

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You should be fine. I’ve flown to the US with a bunch of arduino stuff, led strips, wires and 100 CR2032 batteries in my hand-luggage. It was the large bag of powder that they were upset about.

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You are a brave one xD