Drill press

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You may have noticed that the woodshop drill press has been out of square for a time.
Joe took it apart and we shimmed the wooden table as there doesn’t seem to be adjustment front to back.
Tonight Dave supplied a piece of metal to replace the paper shims and we nailed it first time.
I will be checking again tomorrow and will add any additional shims if needed.
Thank you Joe and Dave.


Good work everyone!!


That’s interesting. I used it to drill some holes which I really needed to be square. I clamped the pieces down in a jig and everything, but the holes were still squint. I had presumed user error (which is still possible).

I checked again yesterday.
It was slightly out. The table had dropped front to back.
I checked again this evening.
It was almost bang on.
I will check again on Sunday.
Possibly caused when the table is lowered or raised.
Dave and I are going to shim it again if needed. When I check next time, I will vary the height of the table and see if that is causing the issue.