Do we want a free Internet of Things workshop day?

So, what do members think?

There are currently only super expensive IOT courses out there. Our friend Greg has devised a one day course and offered to run it as a free trial for us in January. With the view to running paid courses in future.

It will be a 6 hour course with all materials provided.

Any thoughts?


Sounds good.


Would be great.

Yes please.

Yes, yes and let me think…yes!

Yes definitely


That’s an 8 to none ratio in favour…

Which tends towards infinity? Or some such jargon.

We’ll call it a yes?

Provisional date is Saturday 15th January.

I’ll get a sign up post posted up soon.

Ohh… was there an option to choose no? Just kidding :smiley:

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Saturday 16th January or Friday 15th January? No Saturday 15th January I’m afraid.
Can’t make either :frowning:

You might think Discourse… Or Gmail might have told me!

Thanks David!

Absolutely! Would love to attend.

I’d love to come to this too! Has a date been set?

Date confirmed for 30th Jan, see signup wiki here: Free IoT workshop day Saturday 30th January 2016

I’ve put everyone down provisionally, except David who I know is away, everyone else please head over via the link and check it out!