Hello, does anybody fancy making something like this? Looks super cool!
They draw vector graphics!
I made a similar one that works with a spray can so will need some modifications. You are welcome to hack it to your needs!
Whaaaaa I’d love to!!!
I’ll bring it in whenever you are back let me know.
I heard menton of a makerspace shutter mural https://discourse.southlondonmakerspace.org/t/shutter-mural-commission/6781
Thanks for your vote of confidence! Unfortunately the resolution at this moment is rough which means lots of room for improvement! The next step is use of stencils and icon plotting so maybe…
Someone was looking into this for the chalk bord
I’d assume that the carriage would be a tonne more stable with a ‘non-self-propelly’ thing?
Hi Sabrina , I am interested in making the plotter.
Should we do a group and see when is the best time to meet? Maybe monthly? Personally weekdays are better…
Yes . Good Idea.
Shall we make time to get ameeting for those interesed. This week? Can y meet on electronics night.
Hi that’ll be great! It’s a little difficult for me in the evening but I can try
Hi I am reviving this thread, should we do it?
I’ve always wanted to make one of these for use on a whiteboard and actually started some years ago, with extremely limited progress
I’d love to get back on it, though time might be a bit limited. I could definitely help with stepper-motor-ring and putting some firmware together though!