DIY/make your own wedding rings?

Hi there, not sure if it’s allowed to post here, but don’t know where to go to!

I am getting married next year, and we fancy about making our own ring (but we neither have any experience, nor very handy…), but all the Jewellery workshops/studio I can find in London/UK is quite expensive, with about £1k for two rings … Our budget is more like £300 or a little bit more if needed :joy: I wonder if this community has any recommendations on jewelers/studio that you could recommend? Maybe it can be outside of UK…

Or maybe we will just buy ready made rings, but if you have any recommendations on this, would be great if you could share too!

Kind regards,

I have a colleague who does jewellery - I can ask her on Monday. I was looking up some precious metals the other day and my eyes popped out of their sockets at the cost. I’ll let you know if my colleague has any suggestions!



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That would be great!! Thanks

Resin printing + electroplating could achieve nice and very inexpensive results. They might wear with time so require a top up plating here and there.

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How about this ?

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If @Gergo_Dala is around can give you advises

What sort of ring did you have in mind? And does that £1k include the metal? My partner and I got pretty standard rings from a jeweler but the total still came out to ~1.5k combined, mostly on the metal in mine as I went with a thicc ring.

For £300 you’re looking at silver rings, there are “design your own ring” workshops for about £150.

We did this at a workshop at EMFCamp festival in 2016. It was run by a group from Amsterdam, who charged about £50-60 for the workshop, including materials. IIRC they have their own premises in Netherlands and run similar sessions there. You could have a weekend away and do a ring workshop with them, at least if they are still doing this kind of thing! I’m not sure
how you would find their contact details now though :thinking:

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My fiancée and I made our own engagement rings - I think she found the course on class bento and surprised me with it. They aren’t super fancy - just hammered silver- but I love it


You can also get ring kits from these people
You carve your design from wax and they make the ring in your chosen material

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