DIY 3D Printer Build, Welcome to Join

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Hi Everyone, me and friends are starting our 3D printer build from scratch at a workshop space we rent in East London Bow area in later January.

We will start with a core XY printer, doing sand printing or pen drawing
And then mod into a 5 axis printer, similar to the ones from AI Built (ones in video on their instagram)

We are quite jealous of the career trajectory of Blast studio in west London :laughing:
so hopefully our printer will also grew larger and larger each generation

If you are interested in the process but never got a chance, feel free to join our build or come watch.
We can also most definetely use some help from other engineers, especially on electronic wirings, so let me know

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Sounds fun! Keep me updated on times - would love to help if I can. Built a prusa and done some stuff with extrusion but not a lot else