Categorise by the way people think - "I want to …"
I want reminded how to use the laser cutter
I want to know if the laser cutter is in action
I want to discuss getting a bigger laser cutter
I want to have my say about the decision of buying a bigger laser cutter.
So I’d have four root categories
- Documentation
- Notices
- Discussion
- Votes
All Documentation posts should be Wikis, probably only amendable by the relevant @roles, all notices locked threads, also only editable by @roles, and then all discussion posts as open threads, and votes similar to docs and notices, TBC pending governance brief.
The sub categories for each could be:
- People (might need a better title, basically rules / governance / community)
- Infrastructure
- Tools
- Events
With a couple more added under discussion:
- Projects
- Anything Else
I doubt you need more categories beyond this point as it will become self explanatory in the heading, but the @roles titles might work if you felt it need split but I would suggest not, keep it simple, based on function. Don’t forget we have search (find ‘Pillar Drill’ in ‘Documentation’, done.)
in Documentation / People would find wiki docs, headed with something along these lines - :
“Organisational / Governance structure”
“Rules about behaviour etc - about People in general sense”
in Notices / People
When a @role position comes up / changes etc
in Discussion / People
Chat about roles, governance, etc.
in Documentation / Infrastructure:
Space Access
In Notices / Infrastructure:
The laser cutter is broken
In Discussion / Infrastructure
Yeah you guessed it, discussion about infrastructure! It’ll be clear about which bit from the post title.
And so on, I hope you see the pattern - function based not information based. A heavily categorised system is for libraries of books, static info, for finding a needle in a haystack. And we’re not reddit (a dynamic cataloguing of the internet-as-library). Discourse is a multi-functional dynamic online community tool and needs a different approach - it has search and it emails (different groups of) people, we don’t need lots of categories, they can be minimal, easy to use and understand. Make Discourse more functional / less discursive